Calculate monster speed

Monster name :
Team leader
Team booster
Turn order
Monster base speed :
Runes speed :
Total monster speed :
Monster name :
Team leader
Team booster
Turn order
Monster base speed :
Runes speed :
Total monster speed :
Monster name :
Team leader
Team booster
Turn order
Monster base speed :
Runes speed :
Total monster speed :
Monster name :
Team leader
Team booster
Turn order
Monster base speed :
Runes speed :
Total monster speed :

Dev Array

How to use ?

Enter [Monster 1] as your attack bar booster. Enter [Monster 2, 3 and 4] as the order they should play in the team. [Monster 2] CAN be an attack bar booster too. Enter the speed of your [Monster 1]. The tool will now automatically calculate the speed needed on you other monsters to be SURE they will play after [Monster 1].

What is this site?

This site is a speed calculator for the game Summoners war. It’s a fan site made by Relisora. The goal of this calculator is to show you the speed you need to have perfectly synced teams. All the speed work has been made by Aurinko and the tool math is based on it. You can see his work on this Reddit post.

How to contribute?

There are only two ads on this website and I made my best to keep it non-distruptive. I’ll do my best to only keep a maximum of two ads and therefor turning off adblock will help me. If you really like the site you can also click on the ad, it will generate more money from it. If you want more contribution solutions you can contact me via Reddit and discuss about your ideas.
Summoners War tool
Summoners War tool